Groundhog Health


Being a homeschool family this year means we are learning about every holiday and remembrance day that comes along. Right now we are in full groundhog mode. I currently know way more about groundhog burrows than I care to. We are big fans of the movie Groundhog Day at our house, and it got me thinking. How many people are frustrated with their health results, yet they continue to do the same thing day in and day out expecting different results? You cannot continue to drink all the sugary and caffeinated beverages, not drink any water and expect to avoid dehydration symptoms. You cannot continue to pretend your hormone levels aren’t off and think the PMS, hormone headaches, or that little extra weight will just go away. If you want your health status to change you have to make the commitment to stepping around the puddle instead of in it. You have to be committed to the change. It only takes baby steps. You don’t change everything about your health in one fatal swoop. you make small changes over time that add up to the difference you are wanting to see. Ready to be able to do that thing you haven’t done in years? Ready to go through a day without that underlying headache or pain? Then give us a call and let us help you formulate a plan to make the necessary changes, so you can stop reliving the same day over and over and over.

Also, did you know that Punxsutawney Phil is only 39% accurate?! Yet, people still check to see what he has to say and celebrate it! Next time you jump on the latest health craze bandwagon, figuring if everyone else is doing it then it must be healthy, remember those statistics.